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EMS Agencies Fight Drug Diversion with Smart Locker Systems

The opioid crisis continues to worsen across North America. And as it does, hospitals and EMS agencies continue to struggle with drug diversion.

5 New Uses for Mobile Credential Access Control

Real Time Networks recently announced its new partnership with VIZpin. We’re really excited to offer VIZpin’s mobile credential access control technology as an authentication option in our KeyTracer...

Police Division Implements a Smart System to Improve Fleet Efficiency

Real Time Results — A Series of Confidential Case Studies. This case study is part of an ongoing series that gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most challenging and sensitive...

Aloft Liverpool Hotel's Key Management Challenges

Historic Buildings, Modern Problems Aloft Liverpool located in city center Liverpool, England had a lot going for it. In just five short years it had established itself as a boutique destination...

5 Ways Security Tech Helps Utilities with NERC Compliance

The utilities industry has the rare challenge of being accountable both for its own security and for the public’s. The penalties for even a small lapse in compliance are severe, let alone an actual...

ROI Series: 6-Step Security Solution Purchasing Process

To help businesses as they head into budget planning, Real Time Networks has produced a new guide for getting maximum value from new physical security capital purchases.