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Manage Firefighter Tools The Easy Way

Most civilians don’t appreciate just how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep fire departments organized and ready. The firefighting heroics in movies and on TV shape their perceptions. They...

8 Workplace Safety Problems You Can Avoid

Are you in the UK? Then we have a UK-specific article on avoidable workplace safety problems just for you.

Health and Safety in UK Workplaces: 8 Avoidable Problems

We’ve noticed that many UK businesses are updating their workplace safety plans—or their fire and safety plan—right now. Most commonly, they’re either taking advantage of governmental COVID funding...

Key Control Helps Reduce a Major Telecom's Fleet Expenses 28%

Real Time Results — A Series of Confidential Case Studies This case study is part of a new ongoing series that gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most challenging and sensitive...

6 Tips for Better Equipment Inventory Tracking

Equipment management is an afterthought at some companies. But those companies are usually surprised when they get around to adding up the costs of their equipment losses and operating...

How Indoor Mapping Software Can Deliver Better Asset Tracking

I ndoor mapping technology is making inroads in many business sectors—and with good reason. This technology has the potential to reshape how we conduct many business practices that, up until now,...