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Posts about Access Control (2)

10 Elements Your Company Equipment Damage Policy Should Cover

No matter how many safeguards you put in place, some of your business equipment will inevitably be damaged. It might be due to an employee’s honest mistake, because they ignored instructions, or it...

5 Steps to Create a Business Theft Prevention Plan

Every business eventually has to deal with theft. You shouldn’t feel overwhelmed about this, though; it’s a manageable problem.

Manage Sick Workers Better With This 3-Stage Framework

Federal and local governments have issued a wide range of public health guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But it has largely been targeted at individuals. Guidance for businesses hasn’t...

5 New Uses for Mobile Credential Access Control

Real Time Networks recently announced its new partnership with VIZpin. We’re really excited to offer VIZpin’s mobile credential access control technology as an authentication option in our KeyTracer...

Electronic Access Control: A Computerized Gatekeeper

Plenty of folks have had the experience of being "buzzed" through a door. It happens like this: After checking your ID or recognizing your face, a receptionist presses a button. You hear a buzzing...

Key Cabinets + CPTED Make Your Business a Harder Target

Except for the more garish super villains, criminals avoid the spotlight. Most prefer to operate in theaters where they can remain in the shadows and maintain a level of control. Enter Crime...