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Posts about Accountability

Warehouse Barcode Scanners: Choosing the Right One for Your Business

When it comes to choosing the right barcode scanner for warehouses, the focus usually falls on features like scanning speed, durability, range, and price. Models like the Honeywell Granit 1910i,...

Hospital Medication Security: A Guide to Protecting Controlled Substances

Controlled substances, including opioids, sedatives, and other high-risk medications, are tightly regulated due to their potential for abuse and addiction. Improper handling, theft, or loss of these...

Equipment Tracking Systems: How to Choose the Right Tech for Loss Prevention

Many businesses still rely on manual equipment tracking processes. Managers may recognize the importance of tracking equipment use and maintenance but believe that using an automated equipment...

Protect Your Bottom Line with Employee Accountability Tracking

Fostering employee accountability is one of the most worthwhile initiatives an organization can make. It is not just about mitigating negative problems like losses and internal theft. Improving...

The Importance of Physical Key Management

It may seem obvious, but if physical keys give access to your organization’s important spaces, assets, and people, they should get just as much protection as those spaces, assets, and people.

How Industries Use Smart Lockers to Secure and Manage Valuable Assets

Asset lockers sound like straightforward security products. You put valuable equipment in, only authorized users can take the equipment back out, end of story. However, when you add in smart...