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Posts about Accountability (2)

The Real Cost of Business Theft and 12 Ways to Prevent It

Theft is something companies of every size have to contend with. Of course, the specific nature of that theft will vary business-to-business, but there are important underlying patterns every company...

Manage Firefighter Tools The Easy Way

Most civilians don’t appreciate just how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep fire departments organized and ready. The firefighting heroics in movies and on TV shape their perceptions. They...

Our Top 6 Creative Smart Locker Solutions

There’s a reason that we call our asset lockers ‘smart lockers’. When people think ‘asset locker’ they often just envision storage space. But they can be much more.

Top 10 Equipment Inventory Management Practices to Follow

How many different pieces of equipment are used by your business every day? We don’t just mean things like screwdrivers and wrenches—what about laptops? Handheld scanners? Specialized instruments?

8 Business Loss Prevention Strategies That Work

Business owners outside retail sometimes dismiss loss prevention as a challenge just for retail stores. But every business can benefit by implementing loss prevention strategies that protect their...

EMS Agencies Fight Drug Diversion with Smart Locker Systems

The opioid crisis continues to worsen across North America. And as it does, hospitals and EMS agencies continue to struggle with drug diversion.