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Posts about AssetTracer (5)

10 Benefits of Asset Tracking Using Smart Lockers

Tracking all of your tools, equipment, handheld electronics, and other assets becomes incredibly time-consuming as your company grows. Eventually, most companies add ‘equipment manager’ onto...

6 Tips for Better Equipment Inventory Tracking

Equipment management is an afterthought at some companies. But those companies are usually surprised when they get around to adding up the costs of their equipment losses and operating...

How Indoor Mapping Software Can Deliver Better Asset Tracking

I ndoor mapping technology is making inroads in many business sectors—and with good reason. This technology has the potential to reshape how we conduct many business practices that, up until now,...

What Is an Indoor Positioning System? How to use it for business safety?

Indoor positioning systems (IPS) have many potential safety and security applications. But figuring out how to apply this new and powerful technology in your organization can sometimes be confusing....

Electronic Access Control: How It Works & Why You Need It

Access control sounds like something we should only encounter in high-security settings, but it is more commonplace than you might think. Access control is any tool or system designed to ensure only...

Our Top 6 Creative Smart Locker Solutions

There’s a reason that we call our asset lockers ‘smart lockers’. When people think ‘asset locker’ they often just envision storage space. But they can be much more.