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Posts about Smart Systems

10 Ways to Use Smart Asset Tracking for Regulatory Compliance

Navigating regulatory standards is always challenging, no matter what sector you work in. One activity that often gets overlooked when developing compliance practices is the management of physical...

Enhancing Campus Safety with Smart Security Systems

Ensuring students' safety is a top priority on college campuses. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Educational institutions are responsible for securing several different types of facilities, from...

9 Manufacturing Facility Management Problems Solved With Smart Lockers

The manufacturing sector is in a strange place right now. While it faces many challenges, including labor shortages, market upheavals, and threats to the global supply chain, it also appears poised...

Smart Security Systems 101

Every product seems to have ‘smart’ slapped on the front of its name. Most of them aren’t smart, either. But believe it or not, some actual ‘smart’ technologies are out there. And they’re very...

Smart Tech: Just One Way to Connect People, Processes & Assets

When people and work assets are disconnected, your business operations suffer. So you need to keep everyone and everything streamlined and working together if you want to foster growth.