The Solution

Ameristar chose KeyTracer Systems for its many advantages, including:

  1. Longer Lifespan: The system is designed for durability and longevity.
  2. Maintenance-Free Key Tags: Key tags are guaranteed for life, eliminating ongoing replacement costs.
  3. Integrated Door Exit Alarm: A single supplier provides an integrated alarm system.
  4. Enhanced Access Control: The ability to set up user groups and time profiles tightens access control.
  5. Ease of Administration: Web-based software allows administrators to access the system from anywhere on the property.


Quantitative Benefits

  1. Cost Savings: The KeyTracer System's reliability and real-time alerts prevent keys from going off property, saving potential rekeying costs of $20,000 to $30,000.
  2. Efficiency Gains: Security personnel save countless hours on configuring key access controls, cleaning key tags, and locating keys. 
  3. Improved Security: With more options for restricting access to keys, Ameristar has tightened security and further automated its internal key control policies.


Ameristar Casino Hotel's implementation of KeyTracer Systems has resulted in significant gains in efficiency and security. The system ensures that stringent state regulations are met while providing a more streamlined and reliable key control process. The investment in KeyTracer not only enhanced the overall security of the property, but also contributed to operational efficiency and cost savings.