Real Case Studies | Real Time Networks

Case Study | Smart Policing in Oregon: Streamlining Firearms Management

Written by Jay Palter | May 16, 2024 8:46:32 PM

The Solution

After the RFP and evaluation, the OSP determined that the AssetTracer UT Series Smart Armory Management solution from Real Time Networks (RTN) offered the right mix of features and services for the diverse needs of their law enforcement offices across Oregon. The rugged locker design gave OSP operational and command staff the durability and flexibility to securely store and manage their weapons and related gear, while providing an administrative processes to track locker access.

With their solution identified, OSP asked RTN to work on customizing solutions for 34 sites across the state.

The Results

The OSP was pleased with how collaborative the process for installing the weapons lockers was. Captain Casey Thomas of the OSP felt ample communication and documentation was provided by the RTN project management team.

Some of the OSP’s 34 sites needed customized hardware to fit very different facility footprints, and the OSP had critical requirements for what they needed to be tracked in the weapons management software. 

After deployment, weapons management across the organization was fully standardized. Each site was able to adjust how they stored their unique mix of firearms and other assets. 

The AssetTracer UT Series Smart Weapons Management solution increased the OSP's accountability for weapons use and servicing. It gave its personnel flexibility in how each site stored weapons. And it gave it complete, real-time tracking of which LEOs accessed lockers. The deployment was so successful that OSP leadership are considering ways they can customize the locker systems and sensitive items they manage.

“The deployment was a good team effort. It went efficiently given the sheer size and scope of the process.”

- Captain Casey Thomas, OSP