Countless Hours Spent Tracking Keys and Firearms Resolved by Automating with Key Control and Firearm Lockers

syracuse_university_event.jpgWhen Syracuse University implemented electronic key cabinets and smart asset lockers, they immediately found that the automated system increased efficiency and significantly reduced labor costs associated with key control and asset management. In the past, the institution used a paper sign out system, with personnel assigned to tracking the issue and return of keys and firearms.

When concerns were raised by line-level employees regarding time delays to get or return firearms and keys, management decided to investigate the issue further. They found that a 30 to 60-minute wait time to return keys and weapons was common after an event or when multiple shifts ended. With close to 900 events held each year, these minutes add up to a lot of overtime. It became clear that a more efficient means for managing access to keys and firearms was imperative.

Mr. Anthony Callisto, Senior Vice President and Chief Law Enforcement Officer at Syracuse University, Division of Campus Safety and Emergency Services adds: “Not only did the wait time amount in costly overtime, it was also frustrating for personnel that wanted to get out and go home when their shift was over.”

Automating Access & Key Control

The technical staff at Syracuse University researched many different key control system vendors to help solve these issues. They selected KeyTracer’s Key and Asset Management Solutions, which offered a turnkey solution for tracking and controlling access to building keys, equipment, patrol vehicle keys, and firearm lockers.

The KeyTracer Solution provides reports that allow them to audit the issue and return of keys and assets for close to 115 law enforcement and security personnel who use the system every day. The system automatically emails the report to supervisors on a monthly basis.

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Mr. Callisto adds: “It was very easy to move to an automated system. The implementation was smooth, and training officers to use the system only took a few minutes. Some accountability reporting needed to be adjusted to better meet our operational requirements, but the KeyTracer staff quickly made the changes we needed. We were up and running quickly, and without a single glitch since the system was installed. It’s a very reliable and robust solution.”

Reaping the Benefits Beyond ROI

With Real Time Network’s KeyTracer electronic key system and firearm lockers, Syracuse University now has a more robust and efficient way to control access to its 350 buildings on the 270-acre campus, its 37 vehicles and hundreds of keys and firearms. Syracuse University has reduced labor costs and eliminated overtime associated with managing access to keys and firearms. Mr. Callisto confirms: “The savings in staff man hours far outweigh the cost of the electronic key cabinets and asset locker system. Not only did the system pay for itself quickly, we’ve gained in staff accountability, efficiency and eliminated personnel’s frustrations with wait time.”

Chartered in 1870, Syracuse University is a private institution located in the heart of Central New York. The 1000-acre campus is home to nearly 22,500 full-time students, and hosts close to 900 events every year. 

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